Benefits of Eating Breakfast.

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Eating a healthy breakfast will help you start your day off right. Studies have shown that eating breakfast can help reduce the risk of malnutrition, cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and  being overweight.  

It also helps you feel less hungry during the day, allowing you to concentrate and focus on your work. It also helps you adjust your eating habits and choose to eat more healthy foods. Choosing the right menu will help you avoid skipping breakfast even if you only have a few minutes UFABET  

Healthy breakfast menu.

Ingredients that are suitable for making a healthy menu. Include vegetables, fruits, whole grains (not processed), dairy products, protein and healthy fats. Examples of healthy menus that are suitable for breakfast include: 

  • Whole wheat bread sandwich with tuna or lean meat and fresh vegetables
  • Cereal or corn flakes mixed with milk
  • Sticky rice with grilled pork that is not oily and not burnt
  • Rice porridge with meat and vegetables
  • Fried rice or omelet rice
  • Cooked oats with almonds or dried berries
  • Plain, unflavored yogurt with fresh fruit 
  • Boiled, scrambled or fried eggs served with wholemeal toast, mushrooms and tomatoes.
  • Whole wheat bread with hard boiled eggs and fresh vegetables 

To have enough time to eat breakfast, if you don’t have much time in the morning. You should wake up 10-15 minutes earlier than usual. Some people can prepare ingredients and breakfast menus the night. Before to make it easier to eat in the morning, or skip the unimportant activities in the morning. Such as playing with a mobile phone or watching TV. This may help increase the time you can eat on time each day.