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Category Archives: Beauty & Health

How to use food to help your body fight inflammation?

How to use food to help your body fight inflammation? Inflammation is a protective mechanism that allows your body to defend itself against infection, illness, or injury. It can also occur on a chronic basis. Which can lead to various diseases. Diet is an essential

Can I eat fruits to cure diarrhea?

Many people may wonder if they can eat fruits to relieve diarrhea. In general, it is not recommended to eat fruits when you have diarrhea because most fruits are high in soluble fiber, which can cause loose stools. Sour fruits also contain acids that can

Wondering which type of bone-nourishing milk is the best?

There are many types of milk produced today, such as cow’s milk, goat’s milk, sheep’s milk, and plant-based milk. Each type of milk may be bone-nourishing milk that helps strengthen the structure. And strength of bones because it is rich in calcium and various nutrients.

When to take vitamin D and precautions for consumption

Vitamin D is a nutrient that helps maintain calcium and phosphorus levels in the blood sufficient for the body’s needs and helps build strong bones. Many people may have the question of when is the best time to take vitamin D. In general, vitamin D

What does collagen help with and precautions when consuming it?

Although collagen is a protein nutrient that is widely used as an ingredient in skincare products and dietary supplements, many people still wonder what collagen can do and where to find it. Collagen is an important component of tissue in the body. It helps support

5 types of food that trigger irritable bowel syndrome, increase gas

Checklist: 5 foods that cause irritable bowel syndrome, increase and decrease in the stomach, destroy the digestive system, and make your quality of life worse! Irritable bowel syndrome is a disease that is easily found in the present era. It is probably because of the

Here are 6 foods that help maintain your body’s water levels.

Staying hydrated is a must, but if you don’t like drinking water, that doesn’t mean there’s no way around it. We have some delicious ways to stay hydrated! Drinking water is important every day, but drinking water alone is not enough. You also need to

5 foods that help maintain oral health, prevent tooth decay

Did you know? In addition to brushing your teeth cleanly, choosing the food you eat can help prevent tooth decay, remove tartar, and preserve your gums, teeth, and bones more! Choosing good food helps to have good oral health and prevent tooth decay. However, you

4 drinks that help reduce bad breath throughout the day

One trick that can help reduce bad breath throughout the day is to choose drinks that increase saliva flow and kill bacteria in the mouth!Bad breath is a bad smell that comes from your breath. When it happens, it will ruin your personality and make you

What vegetables should diabetics not eat 

 People with diabetes should eat vegetables in every meal, whether raw or boiled. However, they must control the amount of carbohydrates they consume. Therefore, they should avoid vegetables that are high in starch. If they cannot control their blood sugar levels, it can be harmful to their